The Blog Post About Blogging
This past week, I gave a presentation at one of my Toastmasters clubs about this very blog! This was to fulfill the requirements for the Toastmasters Pathways project, "Write a Compelling Blog." Toastmasters projects are everywhere! They are in our daily experiences turning into speeches, our leadership at work and our volunteering becoming projects, and our blogs or podcasts getting us credit in the educational program of Pathways!
One part of the blogging project that I really loved was the chance to get feedback on this blog itself, as well as my own self-reflection on this blog. Two take-aways that I want to follow up on from this experience are:
1) I want to promote this blog more on social media - maybe that's why you are reading this post!
2) I want to try to create more variety in the format of my posts.
For additional variety of posts, I'd love any ideas you have to offer! I'm thinking maybe I can do a written interview with another Toastmasters member to start. An interview was one of the ideas presented by the Toastmasters Pathways content, as was an idea to create a "top ten" list. Maybe I could follow those ideas up with a fictionalized Toastmasters story describing a club meeting or some other event. I could potentially add pictures to some posts, with the permission of anyone pictured.
As I continue to write in this blog even after completing the blogging project, I hope to get more readers sharing more ideas about what you'd like to read about and in what format. My goal is and remains to explore my own Toastmasters journey and to help others find opportunity to improve their communication and leadership skills.
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