Shameless Plug for a Special Event
Rail Talkers invites you to their special event: "Breadwinners' Tricks and Treats" on Saturday, October 21 at 1:30pm at the Benson Branch of the Omaha Public Library, 6015 Binney St, Omaha, NE, 68104. Join us to tell a tale, share a reading, or simply be delighted by what others have to say! Those wishing to actively participate get up to 10(ish) minutes to read from the work(s) of others or tell a story of their own creation. The theme of "Tricks and Treats" is meant to inspire you, though using the theme is not required. The event will have three categories, with a prize for the audience favorite in each category: 1. Readings (read a favorite short story, poem, or other work) 2. Compilations (combine excerpts from various works into a cohesive narrative or message) 3. Stories (tell an original story - real or imagined) Speakers also have the option to receive an evaluation for credit in Pathways! The "Connect with Storytelling" and "Vocal Va...