Toastmasters Core Value: Excellence
When something matters to us, we strive for excellence . Excellence is not perfection, but it is the outcome of continuing to do one's best over a period of time. Even if an intermediate outcome is not something you would call excellence , you can achieve something closer to excellence the next time by learning from what did not go well and acting on ideas for how to improve. Excellence is closely related to caring about something . When it comes to the development of any skill, you won't go far if you don't care. Having excellence as a core value of Toastmasters reminds us of why most members join Toastmasters in the first place: to improve their communication skills, leadership skills, and/or self-confidence. Continuous improvement is the path to excellence and you only advance on that path by caring about the outcome, by giving it your best effort and learning from any mistakes you make along the way. There ...